Cytokinin 1% + GIBRILLIC ACID 0.5% + IBA 0.5%
- Comprises a refined blend of plant growth regulators (alexins) designed to enhance flower setting and fruit formation, thereby resulting in increased agricultural production.
- Effectively promotes cell growth and differentiation within the roots and shoots of plants.
- Stimulates essential processes of cell division, contributing to overall plant growth, flower blooming, and the enhancement of fruit quality.
- Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) plays a crucial role in various aspects of root development, including root hair elongation, lateral root development, and the formation of adventitious roots.
- Gibberellic acid serves as a significant catalyst for plant growth and development.
- Facilitates cell elongation, supporting the overall elongation of plants, and plays pivotal roles in germination, stem elongation, and the maturation of fruits and their flowers.