Plant Grouth Regulators



Cytokinin 1% + GIBRILLIC ACID 0.5% + IBA 0.5%
  • Comprises a refined blend of plant growth regulators (alexins) designed to enhance flower setting and fruit formation, thereby resulting in increased agricultural production.
  • Effectively promotes cell growth and differentiation within the roots and shoots of plants.
  • Stimulates essential processes of cell division, contributing to overall plant growth, flower blooming, and the enhancement of fruit quality.
  • Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) plays a crucial role in various aspects of root development, including root hair elongation, lateral root development, and the formation of adventitious roots.
  • Gibberellic acid serves as a significant catalyst for plant growth and development.
  • Facilitates cell elongation, supporting the overall elongation of plants, and plays pivotal roles in germination, stem elongation, and the maturation of fruits and their flowers.

You are encouraged to reach out to the technical staff to explore the feasibility of developing additional formulations that adhere to the same specifications and requirements.