Elite Fert

Elite Fert

The product features a specialized formulation of NPK and trace elements, meticulously chelated and coated with Humic and Fulvic acids. This advanced chelating technique enhances the availability of essential nutrients, facilitating optimal nutrient absorption in plants. The advantages of Feriaction are as follows:

  • Increased availability of phosphorus and calcium for enhanced plant growth.
  • The presence of humic acid minimizes nutrient leakage through strong bonding with substantial humic acid molecules.
  • The integration of NPK with humic molecules improves Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), thus preventing NPK attachment to clay particles.
  • Humic and Fulvic acids, classified as carboxylic acids, play a pivotal role in managing salinity levels.
  • This formulation aids plants in retaining water and effectively navigating adverse environmental conditions.
  • It fosters the growth of beneficial microorganisms, contributing to a healthier soil ecosystem.

You are encouraged to reach out to the technical staff to explore the feasibility of developing additional formulations that adhere to the same specifications and requirements.