Plant Grouth Regulators



Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid : 0.45% w/w
Alpha Naphthyl Acetamide : 1.25% w/w

Floraset is an esteemed plant growth regulator belonging to the auxin group, recognized for its capacity to promote cell division and expansion. This compound can be effectively absorbed through the roots, stems, and leaves of the plant.

The application of Floraset yields several significant benefits:

  • It facilitates the stimulation of root development.
  • It enhances the production of fruits and tuberous roots.
  • It promotes increased flowering and fruit setting while minimizing fruit drop.
  • It bolsters plant resistance to environmental stressors, including frost and elevated temperatures.

You are encouraged to reach out to the technical staff to explore the feasibility of developing additional formulations that adhere to the same specifications and requirements.