Minor & Trace Elements



Fe 5% w/w
Zn 6% w/w
MgO 6.0 % w/w
Mn 4 % w/w
Cu 0.6 % w/w
B 1 % w/w
Mo 0.02 % w/w

This compound comprises a carefully formulated blend of trace elements, produced in a manner that ensures no adverse effects on plant foliage while maximizing its benefits for plants experiencing chlorosis, flower abscission, and diminished growth, typically due to deficiencies in one or more trace elements, particularly in sandy and calcareous soils.

For optimal and expedited results, it is recommended to apply this compound via foliar spray. Additionally, it is suitable for use in fertigation practices.


You are encouraged to reach out to the technical staff to explore the feasibility of developing additional formulations that adhere to the same specifications and requirements.