Powder Products

  • Powder Products
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Powder Fertilizers Special formulation of powder crystal fertilizer manufactured to supply plant with pure essential macro and micro nutrient. A uniform high quality mixture of fertilizer that is manufactured from a high quality fertilizers material. Which leads to a high quality fertiliz...

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Paste & Suspension Fertilizers

  • Paste & Suspension Fertilizers
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suspended fertilizer that is carefully manufactured to supply plant with essential micro macro nutrients and trace elements, a fertilizers that is easily absorbed by plants and characterized by low PH. It can be mixed with other fertilizers and it has low PH. This fertilizer help to reduce s...

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FE 13%

FE 13%

With a full range of trace elements chelated by (EDTA , Lignosulfonate ,Amino Acid or Fluvic Acid ) you can select your product to avoid deficiencysymptoms on your plant.We supply Fe chelated in humic and fluvic acid to supply your plant with its requirement...

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MN 13%

MN 13%

With a full range of trace elements chelated by (EDTA , Lignosulfonate ,Amino Acid or Fluvic Acid ) you can select your product to avoid deficiencysymptoms on your plant.We supply Fe chelated in humic and fluvic acid to supply your plant with its requirement...

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ZN 15%

ZN 15%

With a full range of trace elements chelated by (EDTA , Lignosulfonate ,Amino Acid or Fluvic Acid ) you can select your product to avoid deficiencysymptoms on your plant.We supply Fe chelated in humic and fluvic acid to supply your plant with its requirement...

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Humic & Fulvic Acids

Humic & Fulvic Acids

Humic and fluvic acid have a key role in organic farming and play major role in improving soil structure and increase CEC , the presence of humic acid & fluvic acid in soil increase macro & micro nutrient availability to plant beside its role in soil areation which is important for benefi...

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Calmag (CaO 15% - MgO 5.5% - N 11% )

Calmag (CaO 15% - MgO 5.5% - N 11% )

Cal-Mag is a custom plant supplement designed to correct the deficiency problem of calcium, magnesium mineral deficiencies found in most soil fertilizers and some hydroponic nutrient formulas. Cal-Mag. Helps In: • Cell division and plant tissue development • Flower and fruit sets • Water n...

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Saline Corrector ( CaO 14% + N 7% )

Saline Corrector ( CaO 14% + N 7% )

Special product that treats soil salinity, and accumulated insoluble salts caused by using hard water, because it contains Calcium and Carboxylic acids. Advantages: •Decreases side effects of irrigation with hard water and it's accumulation especially of insoluble compounds of Ca, Mg & Na....

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Liquid Fertilizers

  • Liquid Fertilizers
  • Agro-mini-

Special formulation as liquid with high solubility made in special technique to prevent crystallization and precipitation, its high content of essential plant elements insure the complete solubility of the elements composing the product with a high value materials produced Specially to comply wi...

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